Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a serious illness, and the office of Dr. Samuels provides patients intensive and accurate assessments, and a variety of treatment options. ADHD and ADD are identifiable and manageable, from school age through adulthood. If you or someone you care about is experiencing symptoms of ADHD of ADD, please contact our office for an appointment.

Substance Dependency

Substance dependency impacts everyone in the life of someone who is dependent on drugs and alcohol. Spouses, children, friends, and coworkers all suffer, but no one suffers as much as the person whose life has become centered around using chemicals to manage his or her world. A person does not need to be what used to be called a full-blown alcoholic or addict to have their quality of life seriously diminished by the presence of alcohol and drugs. Many people are able to lead productive lives with homes, families, and children, but still suffer silently from a chemical dependence. We can help with substance dependency problems, no matter how large or how small.

Elder Care

Elder care is one of the fastest growing areas of care for a variety of reasons, but providers of quality mental health care to the elderly are not growing as quickly. Dr. Samuels is proud to provide the elders of Statesboro and Bulloch County with the understanding and compassionate care they deserve.


A persistent sense of discomfort can interfere with every aspect of life, including work, home, family, and relationships. Anxiety can take the pleasure away from even the most basic life activities. Dr. Samuels and his staff can provide a variety of treatment options for any level of anxiety. Get to where you want to be!


Depression should always be treated, whether it is mild and short-term, or long-term and debilitating. Everyone deserves to be well.